Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Prince2 Practitioner; the expert who then hones his acquired skills

You are done learning the methodology, the principles and the terminology of Prince2. What then is your next step? The next logical step would be to put those acquired skills and knowledge to good use. As they say; practice makes a man perfect. And that’s what the Prince2 Practitioner course is all about; sharpening your skills by working on a project within the Prince2 framework.

Once the basics of the foundation course are clear, you will learn to apply those very same skills on a given project scenario. Working on a live project scenario, you will gradually learn the complexities and the ties between everything that you have learned in the foundation course. Some of the areas in a project life cycle that works in compatibility to Prince2 are:
  • Start-up – the phase where decisions are taken and a project manager is hired
  • Direction – while a project board may be responsible for the overall performance of the project, it will be the project manager who shall be guiding and directing the entire project.
  • Initiation – preparation of the initiation document by the project manager
  • Stage control – breaking of the project into few or many stages; depending on the risk and size of the project. The path for each stage is laid right from start to end
  • Managing stage boundary – the project manager has to provide an approval for the ongoing stage as well as approval for the plans laid for the next stage
  • Planning – this entails chalking out a plan for producing products, managing costs, risk analyzing etc
  • Product delivery – it’s the duty of the project manager that goods are produced as per the decided scheduled
  • Closing – On completion, a post project review is conducted by the project manager and submitted to the board
This can be described as an entire lifecycle of a project. Once this has been successfully completed by the project manage, he/she are eligible to appear for the Practitioner exam.


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