Monday, 16 November 2015

PRINCE2 Re-Registration Exam and its Format

The Examination Board of Prince 2 has come to a decision that all the practitioners of Prince 2 needs to be re-registered within 3 to 5 years from the date of their original certification. In case they fail to re-register within the given time frame, then their registered status will be withdrawn. The PRINCE2 Re-Registration is a one hour assessment set which is of the same standard as the certification examination.

The Format of Registration Assessment

Here is the format which is followed in the registration examination of Prince 2
  • Objective Testing and candidate need to choose the right answer from the given options.
  • The total marks assigned is 30 and an individual need to secure at least 55%, that is 17 marks in order to qualify
  • The total time allotted for the exam is 1 hour. Hence candidate is expected to be quick
  • This is an open book exam. It means candidate will be given book and he/she can take reference from the book to answer the questions.
  • The test consists of 10 questions
If you are planning to appear for the registering examination of Price 2, in that case you need to start preparing right away. There are many websites available where you can find sample questions. You can also register for the re registration examination online, which is a very simple process. As far as the standard of the examination is concerned, it will test all your skills and knowledge


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