Monday, 16 November 2015

What is Six Sigma and what are its Features

Six Sigma is a mechanism and a set of tools which are used to achieve process improvement.  The primary objective of this is the improvement of the output quality. It does so by getting rid of the defects and minimizing the variability, which is involved in the business and manufacturing process.

The Scope of Six Sigma

Six Sigma Green Belt uses different tools to achieve its objectives. One of the most commonly used tools is the combination of certain methods and mechanisms related to quality management. These methods include statistical analysis, empirical methods. It helps to create an atmosphere within the organization for the more systematic mode of operation.
Every single segments of this project, which is implemented is directed by a set of steps and has predefined value targets. Reducing the cycle time of processes, reducing pollution, reducing the cost, enhancement of customer satisfaction and more profit are some of the examples

Doctrine of Six Sigma

  • Concentrated efforts to achieve predictable and stable result
  • More controlled and improved business standards
  • Achieving improved quality
  • It emphasizes on sound management and leadership
The certification is highly acclaimed all over the corporate world. It deals with a wide range of scopes and is directed towards providing improved business solutions. It highlights the demands of every management branches and focus to make a better manger. So, read the above points that will educate more on six sigma and its features.


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